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8.2 / 10

Potsdam is the capital and largest city of the German federal state of Brandenburg. It directly borders the German capital Berlin and is part of the Berlin/Brandenburg Metropolitan Region. It is situated on the River Havel, 24km southwest of Berlin's city centre.Potsdam was a residence of the Prussian kings and the German Kaiser, until 1918. Its planning embodied ideas of The Age of Enlightenment: through a careful balance of architecture and landscape Potsdam was intended as "a picturesque, pastoral dream" which reminded its residents of their relationship with nature and reason. Weiterlesen

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Potsdam Social-Media-Popularität:
8.2 / 10
  Popularität basiert auf der Anzahl der Besucher, checkins und likes auf Facebook der letzten Monate.
Die meiste Aktivität im: Februar:
Potsdam hat 585535 Besucher (Checkins) und 37565 Likes.