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7.5 / 10

Ettlingen is a town in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, about 8km (5mi.) south of the city of Karlsruhe. Ettlingen is the second largest town in the district of Karlsruhe, after Bruchsal.GeographyEttlingen is situated at the northern edge of the Black Forest on the Upper Rhine Plain. The Alb River arises in the hills of the Black Forest and flows through Ettlingen before emptying into the Rhine at Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, making Ettlingen a central feature of the Albtal, the Alb Valley. Weiterlesen

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Ettlingen Social-Media-Popularität:
7.5 / 10
  Popularität basiert auf der Anzahl der Besucher, checkins und likes auf Facebook der letzten Monate.
Die meiste Aktivität im: Februar:
Ettlingen hat 70236 Besucher (Checkins) und 6534 Likes.