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8.4 / 10

Wuppertal is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in and around the Wupper valley, east of Düsseldorf and south of the Ruhr. With a population of approximately 350,000, it is the largest city in the Bergisches Land. Wuppertal is known for its steep slopes, its woods and parks, and its suspension railway, the Wuppertal Schwebebahn. It is the greenest city of Germany, with two-thirds green space of the total municipal area. Weiterlesen

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Wuppertal Social-Media-Popularität:
8.4 / 10
  Popularität basiert auf der Anzahl der Besucher, checkins und likes auf Facebook der letzten Monate.
Die meiste Aktivität im: März:
Wuppertal hat 667714 Besucher (Checkins) und 68216 Likes.