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8.5 / 10

Karlsruhe is the second-largest city in the state of Baden-Württemberg, in southwest Germany, near the French-German border. It has a population of 307,755. The city is the seat of the two highest courts in Germany: the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Court of Justice. Its most remarkable building is Karlsruhe Palace, which was built in 1715. Weiterlesen

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Popularität von Karlsruhe

Karlsruhe Social-Media-Popularität:
8.5 / 10
  Popularität basiert auf der Anzahl der Besucher, checkins und likes auf Facebook der letzten Monate.
Die meiste Aktivität im: April:
Karlsruhe hat 1036213 Besucher (Checkins) und 94957 Likes.